Thursday, March 25, 2010

Journal #31: What is your passion ?

1. I have a passion for putting myself in positions or activities where i get to meet new people and do new things.

2. My experiences have been in paddling, brown bags to stardom and being a football manager. I've got to do many new things that i love doing and i met a lot of new people.

3. I like to take this through out my whole life because it will help me become a very social person and it gives me a lot of courage and confidence to meet and talk to new people. I would like to stretch this through doing other activities around school that will get me involved and something where i will be around people.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Desha,
    This is interesting. From the outside, you seem like a quiet person, but I guess you can be outgoing when it comes to your extracurricular activities :)
    It might be valuable to research what types of careers or experiences would allow you to work with others and to take part in a wide range of actiities with diverse people.
    Assessment score: 3
    mrs s
